Great Tartaria was wiped out by nuclear bombardment.
Great Tartaria was wiped out by nuclear bombardment.
On Earth, there has not always been such a mess as it is now. More recently, almost all the habitable lands on the planet belonged to the Great Tartary - the largest country. But the parasites and local, and alien it really did not like ...
Death of Tartary
The author - Radosvet
Fig.1 Expansion of the territory of Russia from 1613 to 1914. (official version)
The great Tartary disappeared from the political map of the world about two hundred years ago.
More precisely, it was erased from this card (Fig. 1).
It was erased so thoroughly that for almost two hundred years no one had heard of it. And I did not know. The works of Academician Fomenko on New Chronology have not yet appeared, having returned to the scientific circulation a lot of evidence of the existence of this state. The largest ever existed on our planet.
The natural boundaries of the Great Tartary, which in the Middle Ages occupied the entire Northern Hemisphere, were ocean shores (Fig. 2, 3).
Fig. 2. Map of Eurasia (middle of the XVIII century.)
Moreover, three of the four oceans - the Arctic, the Pacific and the Atlantic - were, in fact, its inland waters.
By the end of the eighteenth century (according to modern chronology), yielding to the corrupting influence of monotheism (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), the population of the European part of Great Tartaria plunged into the bloody horror of religious and invasive wars, political intrigues, revolts and revolutions. And broke away from Asia. Managed to resist the evil onslaught of new world religions and preserve the moral purity and faith of their ancestors The border between the Metropolis and the western, plagued lands lies from the Arctic to the Indian Ocean. Along the Ural Mountains, the shores of the Caspian Sea and the peaks of Zagros (Fig. 4, 5).
Fig. 4. Great Tartary (1680)
The last border war with Britain and Muscovy was unsuccessful for Great Tartary. After suffering a series of serious defeats, she was forced to admit the loss of some of her territories. In the Southern Urals, in the Northern Caspian and South-Western Siberia, in Central and Northeast India and on the east coast of North America. Currently, various episodes of this war, truly World in its scope and consequences, are known as the suppression of the Pugachev rebellion and the development of Siberia, the colonization of India and the war for independence of the British colonies in America (Fig. 6, 7, 8).
Fig. 6. Uprising led by E.I. Pugachev 1773-1775
Fig. 7. India in 1784
Fig. 8. The War of Independence of the English Colonies in North America and the Creation of the USA
Given the pathological tendency of professional historians to falsify, it can be assumed that this was not the case. But even in the event of the victory of the Anglo-Russian coalition, by the beginning of the nineteenth century, the Great Tartary remained the largest and most powerful state in the world.
Suppose (as an exception) that this time, for some reason unknown to us, official historiography describes the events that actually happened.
Great Tartaria suffered a military defeat and suffered territorial losses. So what? Such insignificant losses could not have led to the death of such a great power! Even if the defeat caused a serious internal political crisis. For no internal political crisis could lead to the disintegration of the Great Tartary. Because the people who inhabited AsiaTwo hundred years ago, was united and completely homogeneous. And by nationality, and by language, and by religion.
Two hundred years ago in the Great Tartary, on the land of Tarkh and Tara, tartars lived exclusively (Fig. 9). Tall, blond-haired, white-skinned people with eyes of cornflower, green, fire or silver color. Slavs-Aryans. Rusy. Friendly and kind-hearted in times of peace, brave and merciless in battle, fair and merciful on the days of victories and persistent in times of adversity. Because they have kept the moral purity and faith of their Ancestors. From the Urals to Alaska. From New Earth to Tibet.
Suppose (as an exception) that this time, for some reason unknown to us, official historiography describes the events that actually happened.
Great Tartaria suffered a military defeat and suffered territorial losses. So what? Such insignificant losses could not have led to the death of such a great power! Even if the defeat caused a serious internal political crisis. For no internal political crisis could lead to the disintegration of the Great Tartary. Because the people who inhabited AsiaTwo hundred years ago, was united and completely homogeneous. And by nationality, and by language, and by religion.
Two hundred years ago in the Great Tartary, on the land of Tarkh and Tara, tartars lived exclusively (Fig. 9). Tall, blond-haired, white-skinned people with eyes of cornflower, green, fire or silver color. Slavs-Aryans. Rusy. Friendly and kind-hearted in times of peace, brave and merciless in battle, fair and merciful on the days of victories and persistent in times of adversity. Because they have kept the moral purity and faith of their Ancestors. From the Urals to Alaska. From New Earth to Tibet.
Fig. 9. Tarh and Tara
In order to destroy the Great Tartary, it was necessary to first destroy its people. The whole! Until the last man! And it was not yet able to do. Neither Britain nor Muscovy. Nor their coalition. Even if the rest of Europe had entered this rotten coalition.
The famous commander Alexander Suvorov (Fig. 10), who took part in the defeat of Pugachev (Fig. 11) and personally escorted him to Moscow (Fig. 12), could inflict a major defeat on the Tartar troops.
The famous commander Alexander Suvorov (Fig. 10), who took part in the defeat of Pugachev (Fig. 11) and personally escorted him to Moscow (Fig. 12), could inflict a major defeat on the Tartar troops.
Fig. 10. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, Prince of Italica, Count of Rymnik, Count of the Holy Roman Empire , Generalissimo of the Russian land and sea forces, Field Marshal of the Austrian and Sardinian troops, Grand Sardinian Kingdom and Prince of Royal Blood
Fig. 11. Emelyan Pugachev
Fig.12. Suvorov puts Pugachev in a cage
And, apparently, inflicted. For which he was awarded a gold sword with diamonds (the cost of such a sword was equal to the sum of the annual salary of the whole regiment). And he received several higher orders of the Russian Empire (Order of St. Andrew the First-Called and the Order of George and Vladimir of the first class). Although the official historical science of this and keep quiet. Like a fish about ice. More precisely, it hides the history of Muscovy’s Tartar wars among its wars with the Ottoman Turks. And other Crimean Khans.
However, note, with the brilliant Porto Russia fought for more than one century. But she could not finally crush. Despite the glorious victories of Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky, Orlov-Chesmensky, Potemkin-Taurian, Suvorov-Rymniki, Kutuzov-Smolensky, Dibich-Zabalkansky and Paskevich-Erivansky Although the Turkish Empire, even at the time of its heyday, was ten times smaller than Tartary (Fig. 13).
However, note, with the brilliant Porto Russia fought for more than one century. But she could not finally crush. Despite the glorious victories of Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky, Orlov-Chesmensky, Potemkin-Taurian, Suvorov-Rymniki, Kutuzov-Smolensky, Dibich-Zabalkansky and Paskevich-Erivansky Although the Turkish Empire, even at the time of its heyday, was ten times smaller than Tartary (Fig. 13).
Fig. 13. Ottoman Empire (official version)
Turkey many times suffered defeats in battles, lost wars and lost territories, but it did not disappear from the political map of the world.
Unlike the Great Tartary. Which was erased not only from the card. Tartary erased from the face of the Earth. Together with the people who inhabited it ...
It happened in February 1816. Which subsequently received the name "Year without summer". In the United States, it is still called "Eighteen hundred and frozen to death," that is, "one thousand eight hundred and frozen to death." But official science considers the beginning of the “Little Ice Age”, which lasted three years.
In March, the temperature in North America continued to be winter. In April and May there was an unnatural lot of rain and hail, a sudden frost destroyed most of the crops, in June two giant blizzards led to the death of people, in July and August the rivers froze even in Pennsylvania. Every night there was a frost, and in New York and in the northeast of the USA it fell to a meter of snow. Germany was tormented by strong storms. Many rivers, including the Rhine, overflowed. In Switzerland, there was terrible weather, it snowed every month. The unusual cold led to a catastrophic crop failure. In the spring of 1817, grain prices in Europe increased tenfold, and hunger began among the population.
Darkness descended on the world. In the literal sense of the word. The sun could not break through the cloudy shroud and did not warm the earth. Lord Byron wrote in 1816: “The sun went out bright and the stars / wandered without a goal, without rays / In eternal space; icy land / Worn blindly in the moonless air. / Hour of the morning came and went, / But he did not lead the day for him ... / The dwellings of all those who have dwellings - / The fires were formed ... the cities were burning ... / Terrible famine / Terzal people ... / And people died quickly. ”
The solution to the three-year cold was “found” a hundred years later. American researcher W. Humphreys linked climate change in 1816-1819. with the eruption of the volcano Tambor on the island of Sumbawa. At present, this hypothesis is considered generally accepted in the scientific world. Although it is not clear why the volcano explosion to the south of the equator influenced the climate of the Northern Hemisphere so much? Having no effect on the climate of the South. Eruptions of the same capacity (about eight hundred megatons), which occurred in Indonesia in 1883 (Krakatau), in Alaska (Katmai) in 1912, and in the Philippines (Pinatubo) in 1991, reduced the temperature by no more than half a degree. (fig. 14, 15, 16). Not causing neither midday darkness, nor snow storms in the middle of summer, nor a massive overflow of rivers from the banks.
Unlike the Great Tartary. Which was erased not only from the card. Tartary erased from the face of the Earth. Together with the people who inhabited it ...
It happened in February 1816. Which subsequently received the name "Year without summer". In the United States, it is still called "Eighteen hundred and frozen to death," that is, "one thousand eight hundred and frozen to death." But official science considers the beginning of the “Little Ice Age”, which lasted three years.
In March, the temperature in North America continued to be winter. In April and May there was an unnatural lot of rain and hail, a sudden frost destroyed most of the crops, in June two giant blizzards led to the death of people, in July and August the rivers froze even in Pennsylvania. Every night there was a frost, and in New York and in the northeast of the USA it fell to a meter of snow. Germany was tormented by strong storms. Many rivers, including the Rhine, overflowed. In Switzerland, there was terrible weather, it snowed every month. The unusual cold led to a catastrophic crop failure. In the spring of 1817, grain prices in Europe increased tenfold, and hunger began among the population.
Darkness descended on the world. In the literal sense of the word. The sun could not break through the cloudy shroud and did not warm the earth. Lord Byron wrote in 1816: “The sun went out bright and the stars / wandered without a goal, without rays / In eternal space; icy land / Worn blindly in the moonless air. / Hour of the morning came and went, / But he did not lead the day for him ... / The dwellings of all those who have dwellings - / The fires were formed ... the cities were burning ... / Terrible famine / Terzal people ... / And people died quickly. ”
The solution to the three-year cold was “found” a hundred years later. American researcher W. Humphreys linked climate change in 1816-1819. with the eruption of the volcano Tambor on the island of Sumbawa. At present, this hypothesis is considered generally accepted in the scientific world. Although it is not clear why the volcano explosion to the south of the equator influenced the climate of the Northern Hemisphere so much? Having no effect on the climate of the South. Eruptions of the same capacity (about eight hundred megatons), which occurred in Indonesia in 1883 (Krakatau), in Alaska (Katmai) in 1912, and in the Philippines (Pinatubo) in 1991, reduced the temperature by no more than half a degree. (fig. 14, 15, 16). Not causing neither midday darkness, nor snow storms in the middle of summer, nor a massive overflow of rivers from the banks.
Fig. 14. The eruption of the volcano Krakatau (1883)
Fig. 15. The eruption of the volcano Pinatubo, (1991)
Fig. 16. The eruption of the volcano Pinatubo (1991)
It is interesting to note that while Europe and America froze and starve, in Russia in 1816-1819. nothing unusual was noted. No cold, no hunger. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and good will among men." In a sense, everything is as usual. And frost and crop failure.
This is something in Russia! Yes, even after the recent invasion of two languages and the complete destruction of the western provinces! As they say, the tradition is fresh, but it is hard to believe! Even in normal years, winter in Russia lasts six months, from the frost cracked trunks of old trees, and by the spring on the bottom of the barrel, and a handful of flour not náměstí. So it's not about the habit of the Russian people for cold and fasting, but in the absence of rotten western democracy. And the availability of reliable censorship.
Meanwhile, Russia, most likely, was the source of climate problems in both Europe and America. What indirectly indicates the age of modern forests of Russia and Belarus. Which on a circle no more than two hundred years. All forests! And Siberian, and Russian, and Belarusian.
This fact can be explained only by the fact that two hundred years ago all Russian forests disappeared. Chorus And the ancients (elm lives for three hundred years, linden - four hundred, pine and larch - five hundred, spruce - six hundred, cedar - one thousand, oak - one and a half thousand), and young. It seems to have burned down (fig. 17).
This is something in Russia! Yes, even after the recent invasion of two languages and the complete destruction of the western provinces! As they say, the tradition is fresh, but it is hard to believe! Even in normal years, winter in Russia lasts six months, from the frost cracked trunks of old trees, and by the spring on the bottom of the barrel, and a handful of flour not náměstí. So it's not about the habit of the Russian people for cold and fasting, but in the absence of rotten western democracy. And the availability of reliable censorship.
Meanwhile, Russia, most likely, was the source of climate problems in both Europe and America. What indirectly indicates the age of modern forests of Russia and Belarus. Which on a circle no more than two hundred years. All forests! And Siberian, and Russian, and Belarusian.
This fact can be explained only by the fact that two hundred years ago all Russian forests disappeared. Chorus And the ancients (elm lives for three hundred years, linden - four hundred, pine and larch - five hundred, spruce - six hundred, cedar - one thousand, oak - one and a half thousand), and young. It seems to have burned down (fig. 17).
Fig. 17. Burning, burning fires ... (Art. K.Vasilyev)
And the current ones have grown in their place. In the central Russian plain, the forest was restored in the middle of the nineteenth century by massive planting of square miles. And the Siberian taiga has risen by itself. Since there was no one to plant trees here. But more about that later.
And now a few words about the so-called "karst" lakes. Very common in Russia. Especially near the settlements. Especially in Siberia. Ideal round (Fig. 18, 19, 20, 21).
And now a few words about the so-called "karst" lakes. Very common in Russia. Especially near the settlements. Especially in Siberia. Ideal round (Fig. 18, 19, 20, 21).
Fig. 18. Ozero.Mertvoe, Penza district, Penza region.
Fig. 19. Lake Krugloe, Fokinsky District, Bryansk Region
Fig. 20. Lake Dead, Penza District, Penza Region.
Fig. 21. Lake Shaitan, Muromtsevsky district of the Omsk region.
Often having a higher water level (due to the dense bowl) than the surrounding water bodies. Lakes that have arisen not only over karst (cavities formed by the action of carbonated water in the thickness of the soluble rock - gypsum or limestone), but even where no karst has ever spawned. And some of them did not fill with water (Fig. 22, 23).
Fig. 22. Funnels of unknown origin in the area of Srapul
Fig. 23. Funnels of unknown origin in the area of Srapul
The names of these lakes are Lake Adovo, Shaitan Lake, Ferto Lake, Dead Lake, etc. - completely meaningless. From the point of view of official science, of course. Which did not find anything unusual in them. Unlike the local population.
And further. A strange thing, but the diameter of these lakes correlates well with the diameter of the craters from airborne nuclear explosions. Capacity from one to ten megatons. But it is so. By the way.
For completeness, we note that by an amazing coincidence, it was in the nineteenth century that mankindbecame acquainted with cancer. Where they come from science is still unknown. Although today, none of the physicians have any doubt that one of the main causes of cancer is radioactive radiation.
In any case, in the mid-twentieth century, the outbreak of cancer was caused precisely by an increase in the radioactive background. Due to nuclear tests - 2422 nuclear and thermonuclear, incl. 525 atmospheric (Fig. 24, 25). But it is not important.
And further. A strange thing, but the diameter of these lakes correlates well with the diameter of the craters from airborne nuclear explosions. Capacity from one to ten megatons. But it is so. By the way.
For completeness, we note that by an amazing coincidence, it was in the nineteenth century that mankindbecame acquainted with cancer. Where they come from science is still unknown. Although today, none of the physicians have any doubt that one of the main causes of cancer is radioactive radiation.
In any case, in the mid-twentieth century, the outbreak of cancer was caused precisely by an increase in the radioactive background. Due to nuclear tests - 2422 nuclear and thermonuclear, incl. 525 atmospheric (Fig. 24, 25). But it is not important.
Fig. 24. Thermonuclear explosion
Fig. 25. Thermonuclear explosion
Indeed, in the nineteenth century, neither Muscovy, nor Britain, nor nuclear, nor thermonuclear weapons existed yet. Therefore, neither one nor the other could not apply it.
And if they had it?
Given the level of humanity of the English colonialists (Fig. 26) and the royal satraps, there is no reason to doubt their determination to use an atomic bomb (whether it is available). Even in the absence of modern means of delivery and explosion.
And if they had it?
Given the level of humanity of the English colonialists (Fig. 26) and the royal satraps, there is no reason to doubt their determination to use an atomic bomb (whether it is available). Even in the absence of modern means of delivery and explosion.
Fig. 26. Execution of the leaders of the Sipah uprising with the help of the “Devil Wind” (by V. Verishchagin)
But. One way or another, neither Muscovy, nor Britain had an atomic bomb. But the reason for its use seems to have been there. And a very weighty one ...
Napoleon (fig. 27) entered Moscow on September 2. After a terrible battle near the village of Borodino. Russian troops, successfully repelling all the attacks of the French, retaining reserves and having at their disposal excellent position and strong rear, suddenly retreated. And they didn’t just retreat, but gave the enemy the biggest city in the country to reproach. Its historical center. That emperor Alexander I (fig. 28) publicly proclaimed "the head of other Russian cities" as soon as Napoleon crossed the border. So that he was not mistaken with the direction of the main attack, probably (Fig. 29).
Napoleon (fig. 27) entered Moscow on September 2. After a terrible battle near the village of Borodino. Russian troops, successfully repelling all the attacks of the French, retaining reserves and having at their disposal excellent position and strong rear, suddenly retreated. And they didn’t just retreat, but gave the enemy the biggest city in the country to reproach. Its historical center. That emperor Alexander I (fig. 28) publicly proclaimed "the head of other Russian cities" as soon as Napoleon crossed the border. So that he was not mistaken with the direction of the main attack, probably (Fig. 29).
Fig. 27. Napoleon I Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, King of Italy , Protector of the Rhine Union and Mediator of the Swiss Confederation
Fig. 28. Alexander I the Blessed, the magnanimous powers the restorer, the Emperor and Autocrat All-Russian, Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, Tsar of Kazan, Tsar Astrakhan, Tsar of Siberia, Tsar Khersonisa of Tauride, Sovereign of Pskov and Grand Duke of Smolensk, Lithuanian, Volcanist, Sovereign of Pskov and Grand Duke of Smolensk, Lithuanian, Tsar of Khersonis, Grand Duke of Smolensk, Lithuanian Tverric, Sovereign of Pskov and Grand Duke of Smolensk, Lithuanian, Volyn Estland. Lifland, Courland and Semigalsky, Samogitsky, Korelsky, Tver, Ugra, Perm, Vyatsky, Bulgarian and others; Sovereign and Grand Prince of Novagorod Nizovskiy land, Chernigov. Ryazan, Polotsk. Rostov Yaroslavsky, Beloozersky, Udoorsky, Obdorsky, Kondiysky, Vitebsk, Mstislavsky and All Northern Countries Sovereign and Sovereign Iverskaya, Kartalinsky, Georgian and Kabardinian lands, Cherkassky and Highland Princes and other Crown Prince and Heir of Norwegian,
Fig. 29. The invasion of the Napoleonic army in Russia in 1812
Fig. 30. Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov, His Serene Highness Smolensky, Field Marshal of the Russian Forces
A day before the disgraceful surrender of the “head of all other cities”, the Commander-in-Chief of all Russian armies and militias, the Most Serene Prince of Smolensk (Fig. 30), the day before the highest decree produced by Field Marshal General of the Russian Empire and received a hundred thousand rubles for expenses, held the notorious military council in Fili (Fig. 31). And insisted on leaving Moscow. Despite the fierce resistance of some of his generals. Young and stupid. He cut off all the screams and ordered to retreat. Although yesterday, in the order of August 31, he vowed to give the adversary a new decisive battle under the walls of Moscow.
Fig. 31. Military Council in Fili (Art. A. Kivshenko)
During the retreat in Moscow more than thirty thousand wounded and a huge number of weapons were thrown (one hundred fifty six guns and twenty seven thousand nuclei, seventy five thousand guns and forty thousand sabers, six hundred flags and one thousand standards).
This decision of the field marshal has not yet found an unequivocal interpretation. Someone justifies it. Based on the final result. Someone considers a traitor. Who sold out to liquid masons. In the face of the French. Or the British. Not for a pinch. At his age! Having everything you desire. Including money, fame, orders and titles ...
Why did Napoleon, famous for his determination, sat on Poklonnaya Hilland waited for an unknown what? Not daring to enter Moscow. Although I already knew that it was empty. And no one is going to arrange street battles in it. Despite the old Russian habit of fighting for every house. As it was in Smolensk. And many other places.
Or maybe he finally smelled a trap? Maybe something told him that such experienced commanders like Kutuzov, whom he knew well from previous wars, simply do not hand over the historical centers of their homeland . Especially, covered with well-fortified positions. Secured with strong rears. And also reserves.
However, there was nowhere to go. So I had to go to Moscow. At least in order to have something to bargain on peace negotiations. By this time, Napoleon had already lost his numerical advantage. And most importantly - confidence in victory. “Of all my battles, the worst is the one I gave near Moscow. The French in it proved themselves worthy to win, and the Russians gained the right to be invincible ... "- he said after the battle (Fig. 32).
This decision of the field marshal has not yet found an unequivocal interpretation. Someone justifies it. Based on the final result. Someone considers a traitor. Who sold out to liquid masons. In the face of the French. Or the British. Not for a pinch. At his age! Having everything you desire. Including money, fame, orders and titles ...
Why did Napoleon, famous for his determination, sat on Poklonnaya Hilland waited for an unknown what? Not daring to enter Moscow. Although I already knew that it was empty. And no one is going to arrange street battles in it. Despite the old Russian habit of fighting for every house. As it was in Smolensk. And many other places.
Or maybe he finally smelled a trap? Maybe something told him that such experienced commanders like Kutuzov, whom he knew well from previous wars, simply do not hand over the historical centers of their homeland . Especially, covered with well-fortified positions. Secured with strong rears. And also reserves.
However, there was nowhere to go. So I had to go to Moscow. At least in order to have something to bargain on peace negotiations. By this time, Napoleon had already lost his numerical advantage. And most importantly - confidence in victory. “Of all my battles, the worst is the one I gave near Moscow. The French in it proved themselves worthy to win, and the Russians gained the right to be invincible ... "- he said after the battle (Fig. 32).
Fig. 32. Battle of Borodino (art.L.Lezhene)
This unfortunate Buonaparte was unaware that no one was going to enter into any negotiations with him. Since there is no need. For everything is already predetermined. Mene, Tekel, Perez. “Mene - God has numbered your kingdom and put an end to it; Tekel - you are weighed on the scales and found very light; Perez - your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians ”(Daniel 5: 26-28).
Therefore, Kutuzov received an order to leave Moscow. Because his army completely fulfilled the task - lured the Corsican monster into a trap. Now the army had to be saved. Her blessed and saved. For which he Eternal Memory. Because, precisely, this army and carried the remnants of foreign troops back to the border (Fig. 33).
Therefore, Kutuzov received an order to leave Moscow. Because his army completely fulfilled the task - lured the Corsican monster into a trap. Now the army had to be saved. Her blessed and saved. For which he Eternal Memory. Because, precisely, this army and carried the remnants of foreign troops back to the border (Fig. 33).
Fig. 33. Exile of Napoleon’s army from Russia
As for the Muscovites, they all knew that Moscow would be abandoned. And it is necessary to carry away the legs. In order not to get Buonaparte. Which will not stand on ceremony. And will rob, kill and rape. So, as they say, who did not hide ...
However, there were only a few. Only twenty thousand citizens.
Napoleon’s Marbleman Armand de Kolencourt, the ober-chief master of Napoleon, later recalled: “A city without inhabitants was embraced in grim silence. During the whole of our long journey, we did not meet a single local resident ... ”.
The trap slammed shut. Game caught.
That same night, a fire broke out in Moscow (fig. 34, 35).
However, there were only a few. Only twenty thousand citizens.
Napoleon’s Marbleman Armand de Kolencourt, the ober-chief master of Napoleon, later recalled: “A city without inhabitants was embraced in grim silence. During the whole of our long journey, we did not meet a single local resident ... ”.
The trap slammed shut. Game caught.
That same night, a fire broke out in Moscow (fig. 34, 35).
Fig. 34. Fire of Moscow in 1812 (Art. I. Aivazovsky)
Fig. 35. Moscow fire (unknown German artist)
Brigadier General Count Philippe de Segur wrote in his memoirs: “Two officers were stationed in one of the Kremlin buildings, from where they could see the northern and eastern parts of the city. About midnight, they were awakened by an extraordinary light, and they saw that the flames engulfed the palaces: at first it illuminated the graceful and noble outlines of their architecture, and then it all collapsed ... On the very first night, the 14th to the 15th, a ball of fire descended over the palace of Prince Trubetskoy and set fire to this structure. ”
Very strange fire. To put it mildly.
Extraordinary (!) Light. Fire ball. Flame, bringing down (!) Palaces. Not mud wattle and daub huts, but high-rise buildings! Not igniting, but illuminating. At first. And then the crushing! As for the ball, there are no comments at all. In a sense, guess yourself. From one time. What is this ball. And if you do not guess, look at the nuclear test newsreel (Fig. 36, 37) ...
Very strange fire. To put it mildly.
Extraordinary (!) Light. Fire ball. Flame, bringing down (!) Palaces. Not mud wattle and daub huts, but high-rise buildings! Not igniting, but illuminating. At first. And then the crushing! As for the ball, there are no comments at all. In a sense, guess yourself. From one time. What is this ball. And if you do not guess, look at the nuclear test newsreel (Fig. 36, 37) ...
Fig. 36. Nuclear testing
Fig. 37. Nuclear testing
Hardest hit city center. Despite the fact that it was built up exclusively with stone and brick buildings. Even from the Kremlin, almost nothing was left. Although from the surrounding buildings it was separated by wide areas and moats. Such, for example, Alevizov ditch (thirty-four meters in width and thirteen in depth). Which passed from the Arsenal tower to Beklemishevskaya. This huge moat after the fire was completely overwhelmed with debris and debris. After that, leveling it became easier than clearing it.
By the way, Napoleon, who is accused of setting fire to Moscow and blowing up the Kremlin, himself barely survived during this fire.
Graf de Segur says: “Then, after a long search, ours found an underground passage near the pile of stones that led to the Moscow River. Through this narrow passage, Napoleon and his officers and guards managed to get out of the Kremlin. ”
All who survived were in a state of shock.
De Segur recalls: “Those of ours who used to walk around the city, now stunned by the fire storm, blinded by ashes, did not recognize the area, and besides, the streets themselves disappeared in smoke and turned into piles of ruins ... All that was left of great Moscow several surviving houses scattered among the ruins. This battered and burned colossus, like a corpse, produced a heavy smell. Heaps of ash, and in some places the ruins of the walls and fragments of rafters that came across, alone indicated that there had once been streets here. On the outskirts came across Russian men and women covered with burnt clothes. Like ghosts, they wandered among the ruins ... Only one third of the French army, like Moscow, survived. ”
Further more. Following the fire, the disease began.
A Moscow resident says: “The barracks were filled up with sick soldiers, deprived of all care, and the hospitals were wounded, dying by hundreds from lack of medicine and even food ... the streets and squares were filled up with dead bloodied human bodies and horses ... The wounded fighting for death wounded, others the soldiers passing by, pinned out with compassion with such exact composure as we kill a fly in the summertime ... The whole city was turned into a graveyard. "
In total, more than eighty thousand people died (for reference: during the atomic explosion in Hiroshima seventy thousand people died, in Nagasaki - sixty). Of the nine thousand one hundred fifty eight buildings, six thousand five hundred thirty two were destroyed.
Doesn't this remind you of anything? From modern history?
Not surprising. After all, the Moscow fire occurred a hundred and fifty years before Hiroshima (fig. 38, 39, 40, 41)! When no one ever heard of tactical nuclear weapons or radiation sickness. And I did not know. Because they have not been. Or have they already been?
By the way, Napoleon, who is accused of setting fire to Moscow and blowing up the Kremlin, himself barely survived during this fire.
Graf de Segur says: “Then, after a long search, ours found an underground passage near the pile of stones that led to the Moscow River. Through this narrow passage, Napoleon and his officers and guards managed to get out of the Kremlin. ”
All who survived were in a state of shock.
De Segur recalls: “Those of ours who used to walk around the city, now stunned by the fire storm, blinded by ashes, did not recognize the area, and besides, the streets themselves disappeared in smoke and turned into piles of ruins ... All that was left of great Moscow several surviving houses scattered among the ruins. This battered and burned colossus, like a corpse, produced a heavy smell. Heaps of ash, and in some places the ruins of the walls and fragments of rafters that came across, alone indicated that there had once been streets here. On the outskirts came across Russian men and women covered with burnt clothes. Like ghosts, they wandered among the ruins ... Only one third of the French army, like Moscow, survived. ”
Further more. Following the fire, the disease began.
A Moscow resident says: “The barracks were filled up with sick soldiers, deprived of all care, and the hospitals were wounded, dying by hundreds from lack of medicine and even food ... the streets and squares were filled up with dead bloodied human bodies and horses ... The wounded fighting for death wounded, others the soldiers passing by, pinned out with compassion with such exact composure as we kill a fly in the summertime ... The whole city was turned into a graveyard. "
In total, more than eighty thousand people died (for reference: during the atomic explosion in Hiroshima seventy thousand people died, in Nagasaki - sixty). Of the nine thousand one hundred fifty eight buildings, six thousand five hundred thirty two were destroyed.
Doesn't this remind you of anything? From modern history?
Not surprising. After all, the Moscow fire occurred a hundred and fifty years before Hiroshima (fig. 38, 39, 40, 41)! When no one ever heard of tactical nuclear weapons or radiation sickness. And I did not know. Because they have not been. Or have they already been?
Fig. 38. Atomic explosion in Hiroshima 08/06/1945
Fig. 39. Atomic explosion in Nagasaki 08/09/1945.
Fig. 40. Hiroshima after atomic bombing
Fig. 41. Nagasaki before and after the atomic bombing
Incidentally, an increased level of background radiation in the center of Moscow forms a characteristic spot, with a “torch” elongated towards the south (Fig. 42).
Incidentally, an increased level of background radiation in the center of Moscow forms a characteristic spot, with a “torch” elongated towards the south (Fig. 42).
Fig. 42. Map of radiation background of Moscow
The epicenter of the spot is located just in the place where the windows of the two officers mentioned in the memoirs of the Comte de Segure were located. Those most in whose eyes were first illuminated, and then collapsed graceful and noble palaces. Caught in the epicenter ...
The official historical science still has not figured out who set fire to Moscow.
The French believed that Muscovites themselves did it. And even shot four "arsonists" (Fig. 43). So that others were discouraged.
The official historical science still has not figured out who set fire to Moscow.
The French believed that Muscovites themselves did it. And even shot four "arsonists" (Fig. 43). So that others were discouraged.
Fig. 43. The shooting of the Moscow "arsonists" (Art. V. Verishchagin)
The Russians believed that the Corsican monster was to blame for everything. Vengeful and evil. Of the natural bloodthirstiness that killed a huge city and tens of thousands of people, including thirty thousand of its own soldiers and officers.
But is it? The French had no reason to set fire to Moscow. Winter is ahead. And from Moscow to Paris - six hundred and sixty-six leagues. I mean, very far! Among other things, Moscow needed to Napoleon as a bargaining chip in the upcoming negotiations on the world .
Muscovites were also not to be burned. Winter is ahead. And we must somehow survive. In spite of the occupation. In addition, thirty thousand wounded were left in Moscow. Which almost all disappeared in the fire. Together with twenty thousand citizens who did not have time to leave the doomed city.
As for Emperor Alexander I, there are very serious doubts about his innocence to this crime!
On April 5, 1813, the emperor arrived to bid farewell to Kutuzov, who was dying. Behind the screens near the bed of the Most High Prince was the official Krupennikov who was with him. For his descendants, he kept Kutuzov’s last conversation with Alexander I:
- Forgive me, Mikhail Illarionovich! - said the Sovereign and Autocrat All-Russian.
“I forgive you, sir, but Russia will never forgive you for this,” the field marshal replied.
For what the emperor asked for forgiveness from Kutuzov? Maybe for your top secret order to leave Moscow? Or for what happened to her after leaving?
Shortly before the invasion, Alexander I spoke to the Austrian ambassador: “I suppose that at the beginning of the war we are waiting for defeat, but I am ready for this; retreating, I will leave behind a desert. " The bloody nightmare of the Austerlitz disaster forever settled the fear in the emperor's soul and assured Buonaparte of its invincibility. In a sense, in the impossibility of defeating the Corsican monster by ordinary means. And he could push for an unusual search ...
Was Alexander I the author of a terrible trap prepared for Napoleon in Moscow? Or listened to someone's advice? Or obeyed someone's orders?
One way or another, at a minimum, the emperor should have known about her. Therefore, he ordered the surrender of Napoleon. Dumping all the responsibility for this on Kutuzov.
The latter, by the way, is understandable. If the offer to surrender Moscow came from the king’s mouth , he would have reigned for quite a while. Even the enormous prestige and fame of Kutuzov could hardly withstand the burden of this decision. "The sovereign is weak and crafty, / The bald dandy, the enemy of labor, / Accidentally warmed by glory" would simply have been crushed by this weight. In the literal sense of the word. In the sense of an officer's scarf. How did this happen to his father. Ten years ago.
So who after all has organized such terrible trap for Napoleon?
Cui prodest - look for who benefits - said the ancient Romans. Who would benefit from destroying the Corsican villain? Who was the usurper's most archenemy enemy?
Modern historians laugh at the stupid Buonaparte, who, after the Battle of Borodino, sat on Poklonnaya Hill and waited for the boyars to bring him the keys to Moscow (Fig. 44).
But is it? The French had no reason to set fire to Moscow. Winter is ahead. And from Moscow to Paris - six hundred and sixty-six leagues. I mean, very far! Among other things, Moscow needed to Napoleon as a bargaining chip in the upcoming negotiations on the world .
Muscovites were also not to be burned. Winter is ahead. And we must somehow survive. In spite of the occupation. In addition, thirty thousand wounded were left in Moscow. Which almost all disappeared in the fire. Together with twenty thousand citizens who did not have time to leave the doomed city.
As for Emperor Alexander I, there are very serious doubts about his innocence to this crime!
On April 5, 1813, the emperor arrived to bid farewell to Kutuzov, who was dying. Behind the screens near the bed of the Most High Prince was the official Krupennikov who was with him. For his descendants, he kept Kutuzov’s last conversation with Alexander I:
- Forgive me, Mikhail Illarionovich! - said the Sovereign and Autocrat All-Russian.
“I forgive you, sir, but Russia will never forgive you for this,” the field marshal replied.
For what the emperor asked for forgiveness from Kutuzov? Maybe for your top secret order to leave Moscow? Or for what happened to her after leaving?
Shortly before the invasion, Alexander I spoke to the Austrian ambassador: “I suppose that at the beginning of the war we are waiting for defeat, but I am ready for this; retreating, I will leave behind a desert. " The bloody nightmare of the Austerlitz disaster forever settled the fear in the emperor's soul and assured Buonaparte of its invincibility. In a sense, in the impossibility of defeating the Corsican monster by ordinary means. And he could push for an unusual search ...
Was Alexander I the author of a terrible trap prepared for Napoleon in Moscow? Or listened to someone's advice? Or obeyed someone's orders?
One way or another, at a minimum, the emperor should have known about her. Therefore, he ordered the surrender of Napoleon. Dumping all the responsibility for this on Kutuzov.
The latter, by the way, is understandable. If the offer to surrender Moscow came from the king’s mouth , he would have reigned for quite a while. Even the enormous prestige and fame of Kutuzov could hardly withstand the burden of this decision. "The sovereign is weak and crafty, / The bald dandy, the enemy of labor, / Accidentally warmed by glory" would simply have been crushed by this weight. In the literal sense of the word. In the sense of an officer's scarf. How did this happen to his father. Ten years ago.
So who after all has organized such terrible trap for Napoleon?
Cui prodest - look for who benefits - said the ancient Romans. Who would benefit from destroying the Corsican villain? Who was the usurper's most archenemy enemy?
Modern historians laugh at the stupid Buonaparte, who, after the Battle of Borodino, sat on Poklonnaya Hill and waited for the boyars to bring him the keys to Moscow (Fig. 44).
Fig. 44. Napoleon at Moscow. In anticipation of the deputies of the boyars. (artist V.Vereschagin)
And, really, funny. Indeed, in the Russian Empire for a hundred years there were no boyars!
In Russia, indeed, there were no boyars, no governor. And in the Great Tartary?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that Napoleon was seeking an alliance with a power that had recently fought with Britain and Russia. Counting, with its help, crush both that and the other. And to fulfill your cherished dream - to take out her best pearl from the British crown. I mean, India.
If the military alliance of France and Tartaria took place, the ownership of the East India Company in India wouldvery soon change the owners.
British Prime Minister Earl Liverpool (Fig. 45) formed his office in June 1812. And taxied for almost fifteen years. In the previous government, he was Minister of War and Minister of Colonies. Before that, he was the Minister of the Interior. It was he who managed to solve the most important foreign policy problems of England - to weaken France and Russia as much as possible . And destroy the Great Tartary - the most terrible threat to the Indian colonies.
In Russia, indeed, there were no boyars, no governor. And in the Great Tartary?
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that Napoleon was seeking an alliance with a power that had recently fought with Britain and Russia. Counting, with its help, crush both that and the other. And to fulfill your cherished dream - to take out her best pearl from the British crown. I mean, India.
If the military alliance of France and Tartaria took place, the ownership of the East India Company in India wouldvery soon change the owners.
British Prime Minister Earl Liverpool (Fig. 45) formed his office in June 1812. And taxied for almost fifteen years. In the previous government, he was Minister of War and Minister of Colonies. Before that, he was the Minister of the Interior. It was he who managed to solve the most important foreign policy problems of England - to weaken France and Russia as much as possible . And destroy the Great Tartary - the most terrible threat to the Indian colonies.
Fig. 45. Robert Banks Jenkinson, Earl of Liverpool, British Prime Minister in 1812-1827.
Enforcement of British interests in Russia was monitored by Count Katkart (Fig. 46). Which became famous for the brutality and senselessness of the bombing of Copenhagen in September 1807. When, in just three nights, fifty British battleships made fourteen thousand side shots and razed down a third of the Danish capital. Prior to this, Katkart had distinguished himself in the war with the British colonies in North America, fought in Spain and Flanders and dealt with anti-British performances in Ireland, for which he was promoted to full generals and knighted in the Order of the Thistle.
Fig. 46. William Shaw, Earl Katkart, Baron Greenock
During the invasion of Napoleon, Lord Katkart was in the retinue of Alexander I and in September 1813 (on the first anniversary of the Moscow fire) was granted the highest decree by St. Andrew's Ribbon.
Field Marshal Rumyantsev was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called for the capture of Kohlberg during the Seven Years War. Prince Potemkin - for the victory in the Russian-Turkish war and the Kyuchuk-Kaynardzhi peace treaty. Suvorov - for the defense of Kinburn and for Focsani.
I wonder for what such feats of the highest order of the Russian Empire the English envoy was rewarded?
Apparently, for the timely submitted advice. About the trap. And also for the organization of the procedure. More precisely, for mediation in its organization.
Because the main role in the Moscow tragedy was played by other forces ...
In addition to Britain, Napoleon had another powerful enemy. Much more vindictive and dangerous.
The Rothschild brothers (Fig. 47) were not awarded Russian orders. And nowhere in connection with the campaign of Napoleon in Moscow were not mentioned. But his defeat could not do (and not done!) Without their participation.
Field Marshal Rumyantsev was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called for the capture of Kohlberg during the Seven Years War. Prince Potemkin - for the victory in the Russian-Turkish war and the Kyuchuk-Kaynardzhi peace treaty. Suvorov - for the defense of Kinburn and for Focsani.
I wonder for what such feats of the highest order of the Russian Empire the English envoy was rewarded?
Apparently, for the timely submitted advice. About the trap. And also for the organization of the procedure. More precisely, for mediation in its organization.
Because the main role in the Moscow tragedy was played by other forces ...
In addition to Britain, Napoleon had another powerful enemy. Much more vindictive and dangerous.
The Rothschild brothers (Fig. 47) were not awarded Russian orders. And nowhere in connection with the campaign of Napoleon in Moscow were not mentioned. But his defeat could not do (and not done!) Without their participation.
Fig. 47. Rothschild family
Considering the insinuation of this family. And the number of spies it contained. As well as the authority of the Rothschilds in the Jewish diaspora and proximity to the ruling circles of Europe. And also to those who stood behind the backs of these circles. And pulled them by the strings.
It is possible that the Rothschild family had contact with the very top of the pyramid. In a sense, with those who are above and watching what is happening.
What Napoleon annoy the Rothschild family?
Yes, actually nothing. Apart from his appeal to the State Council of France in 1806 in connection with the complaints about the usury of the Jews: “They are the main troublemakers in the modern world ... They are vultures of humanity ... Evil does not come from individuals, but from the indigenous nature of this people ... Jewish Activity nations since the time of Moses, because of all its predisposition, was in usury and extortion ... The French government can not indifferently look at how low, lowered, capable of any crime nation seizes into its exclusive possession both beautiful provinces of the old Alsace ... Whole villages are robbed by Jews, they are again introduced slavery; these are real flocks of ravens. The harm caused by the Jews is not from individuals, but from the whole of this nation as a whole. These are worms and locusts devastating France ... I do everything to prove my contempt for this vilest nation of the world. Jewsthey are a nation capable of the most horrendous crimes ... You cannot change the philosophical doctrines of a Jewish character, they need exceptional special laws ... They are disgusted with the Jews, but I must admit that they are really disgusting; they are also despised, but they deserve contempt. ”
Prior to this appeal, Buonaparte did not show his vile anti-Semitic essence. And even the opposite! For the first time, he met with representatives of the most persecuted nation in the world only during the Italian campaign. When he was twenty-eight years old. And immediately took them under protection. And since then, he has supported him in every way wherever his army turned out to be. He even promised to restore the Sanhedrin and the Jewish state in Palestine . But it was enough for a while.
After the Alsatian appeal, the fate of the presumptuous Corsican upstart, who lost his scent after countless victories in Europe, was decided.
Victories suddenly ended. Glory rolled down the slope. Less than three years later, his empire was shaken by a severe economic crisis. The population was unhappy. Attempts followed one after the other. The Russian tsar, who had recently sworn eternal love in Tilsit, suddenly became impudent. And he refused to give his sister for him. First one, then the second. Obviously running up to the scandal. And yet he managed to achieve his goal - Buonaparte gathered troops, moved to Moscow and climbed himself into the trap prepared for him.
Chassidic tzadik Ysroel from Kozienitsa, having learned about the invasion of Napoleonto Russia, when asked about the prospects of his campaign, he answered: “Nafol tipol”. In literal translation, this means: "will inevitably fall." It is curious that at the same time the aforementioned Isroel used the game of the words “naphol” and “napol”, consonant with the name Napoleon.
The rest was a trick.
In the truest sense of the word ...
During the Napoleonic invasion and the foreign campaign, the irretrievable losses of the Russian army amounted to about three hundred thousand people.
Despite the presence of a huge number of archival documents, memoirs and scientific works on the history of the Patriotic War of 1812, the total losses suffered by Russia during the invasion are unknown. They can only be assessed indirectly. According to the results of audits conducted in 1811 and 1816. The loss of the population of Russia for this period amounted to more than three million people !! With a total of thirty six million. In other words, almost ten percent of the population died. As much as during the Great Patriotic War.
How do you explain such a huge number of deaths and deaths from diseasescold and hunger? The Corsican monster, with all its bloodthirstiness, did not touch the local population. The retreating Russian troops, who, on the orders of Alexander I, arranged the "Blessed, magnanimous rebuilding powers" scorched desert along the old Smolensk road, burned hundreds of towns and villages. But the residents still did not shoot. In any case, until the complete expulsion of Napoleon.
Official historical science somehow vaguely expounds the reasons for the termination of the guerrilla war . Say, they drove off the foe and everything ended immediately. The bluffs went for kindling, and the swords for plowshares. For uselessness.
Why did the peasants who had just defended their land in arms (fig. 48), again surrendered to the mercy of the feudal beasts?
This is something in Russia! Razin and Pugachev, who has not yet forgotten, and always ready for the “last and decisive”! That is, on "senseless and merciless." Even in the most peaceful times! As it has happened more than once. Both before and after 1812.
It is possible that the Rothschild family had contact with the very top of the pyramid. In a sense, with those who are above and watching what is happening.
What Napoleon annoy the Rothschild family?
Yes, actually nothing. Apart from his appeal to the State Council of France in 1806 in connection with the complaints about the usury of the Jews: “They are the main troublemakers in the modern world ... They are vultures of humanity ... Evil does not come from individuals, but from the indigenous nature of this people ... Jewish Activity nations since the time of Moses, because of all its predisposition, was in usury and extortion ... The French government can not indifferently look at how low, lowered, capable of any crime nation seizes into its exclusive possession both beautiful provinces of the old Alsace ... Whole villages are robbed by Jews, they are again introduced slavery; these are real flocks of ravens. The harm caused by the Jews is not from individuals, but from the whole of this nation as a whole. These are worms and locusts devastating France ... I do everything to prove my contempt for this vilest nation of the world. Jewsthey are a nation capable of the most horrendous crimes ... You cannot change the philosophical doctrines of a Jewish character, they need exceptional special laws ... They are disgusted with the Jews, but I must admit that they are really disgusting; they are also despised, but they deserve contempt. ”
Prior to this appeal, Buonaparte did not show his vile anti-Semitic essence. And even the opposite! For the first time, he met with representatives of the most persecuted nation in the world only during the Italian campaign. When he was twenty-eight years old. And immediately took them under protection. And since then, he has supported him in every way wherever his army turned out to be. He even promised to restore the Sanhedrin and the Jewish state in Palestine . But it was enough for a while.
After the Alsatian appeal, the fate of the presumptuous Corsican upstart, who lost his scent after countless victories in Europe, was decided.
Victories suddenly ended. Glory rolled down the slope. Less than three years later, his empire was shaken by a severe economic crisis. The population was unhappy. Attempts followed one after the other. The Russian tsar, who had recently sworn eternal love in Tilsit, suddenly became impudent. And he refused to give his sister for him. First one, then the second. Obviously running up to the scandal. And yet he managed to achieve his goal - Buonaparte gathered troops, moved to Moscow and climbed himself into the trap prepared for him.
Chassidic tzadik Ysroel from Kozienitsa, having learned about the invasion of Napoleonto Russia, when asked about the prospects of his campaign, he answered: “Nafol tipol”. In literal translation, this means: "will inevitably fall." It is curious that at the same time the aforementioned Isroel used the game of the words “naphol” and “napol”, consonant with the name Napoleon.
The rest was a trick.
In the truest sense of the word ...
During the Napoleonic invasion and the foreign campaign, the irretrievable losses of the Russian army amounted to about three hundred thousand people.
Despite the presence of a huge number of archival documents, memoirs and scientific works on the history of the Patriotic War of 1812, the total losses suffered by Russia during the invasion are unknown. They can only be assessed indirectly. According to the results of audits conducted in 1811 and 1816. The loss of the population of Russia for this period amounted to more than three million people !! With a total of thirty six million. In other words, almost ten percent of the population died. As much as during the Great Patriotic War.
How do you explain such a huge number of deaths and deaths from diseasescold and hunger? The Corsican monster, with all its bloodthirstiness, did not touch the local population. The retreating Russian troops, who, on the orders of Alexander I, arranged the "Blessed, magnanimous rebuilding powers" scorched desert along the old Smolensk road, burned hundreds of towns and villages. But the residents still did not shoot. In any case, until the complete expulsion of Napoleon.
Official historical science somehow vaguely expounds the reasons for the termination of the guerrilla war . Say, they drove off the foe and everything ended immediately. The bluffs went for kindling, and the swords for plowshares. For uselessness.
Why did the peasants who had just defended their land in arms (fig. 48), again surrendered to the mercy of the feudal beasts?
This is something in Russia! Razin and Pugachev, who has not yet forgotten, and always ready for the “last and decisive”! That is, on "senseless and merciless." Even in the most peaceful times! As it has happened more than once. Both before and after 1812.
Fig. 48. Do not zamay, let me come! (art.V. Vereshchagin)
Historians write off the losses of the civilian population of Russia for the harsh winter of 1812-1813. Or maybe the people's war subsided not by itself? And ten percent of the population died not from cold and hunger? In a sense, not only from them?
"One thousand eight hundred and dead to death" claimed tens of thousands of lives in Europe and North America. In Russia, the bill went to the millions!
But even more lives this year carried away in Tartary ...
Academician Fomenko in his works expressed the hypothesis that the Great Tartary was crushed and divided between Russia and the United States immediately after the defeat of the Pugachev rebellion. Assuming that this is so, a number of questions arise:
Why did not several smaller states emerge on the territory of Great Tartaria after its collapse, as it usually happens after the collapse of empires (Roman, Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, German, Russian, British) or during the collapse of large countries (Soviet Union, Yugoslavia)?
Why, having suffered a military defeat, the proud and freedom-loving tartars submitted to the brutal conquerors, and did not raise the club of the people's war, as the Slavonic Arians always do in similar situations?
Why did the actual development of new lands in Russia and the USA begin only half a century later?
And finally, the most important thing:
Why boundless spaces from the Urals to Alaskaturned out to be deserted? What happened to more than a hundred million crushed tartare?
In addition, Fomenko’s hypothesis leaves out a number of important facts that we mentioned earlier: “A Year Without Summer”, bicentennial forests and karst lakes, as well as an outbreak of cancer diseases.
Even after half a century, the development of new lands was only cartographic in nature. Both in Russia and in the USA. Because neither in the USA, nor in Russia there simply were no resources for their occupation. Neither human nor material.
Not to mention the constant threat of popular unrest in the occupied territories. If in these territories not only small ethnic groups of the North survived, but at least some Slavyan-Aryans.
By the way, why did the northern nations become so small? In North America, invaders mercilessly destroyed the local population west of the Appalachians. However, the Russian Empire in the genocide was not caught. Nevertheless, all the northern ethnic people of Asia, which survived after 1816, have since been on the verge of extinction ...
And now suppose that the Great Tartary was not divided either in 1775 or later. Lost another war and suffered territorial losses. But it remained a single state. As before, the biggest in the world. Still of great danger to both the Russian Empire and the British (the Romanovs were afraid of losing the usurped throne, and the Hanoverian dynasty trembled for its Indian colonies).
And here the chimera of the French Revolution gives rise to the Corsican monster. Who wants only one thing - to take away from Britain everything acquired by overwork! In a sense, remove the best pearl from her crown.
Soon Napoleon agrees with Paul I (fig. 49) on a joint Indian campaign. Which breaks down only because of the murder of the Russian emperor. As a result of a conspiracy organized and paid for by Britain.
"One thousand eight hundred and dead to death" claimed tens of thousands of lives in Europe and North America. In Russia, the bill went to the millions!
But even more lives this year carried away in Tartary ...
Academician Fomenko in his works expressed the hypothesis that the Great Tartary was crushed and divided between Russia and the United States immediately after the defeat of the Pugachev rebellion. Assuming that this is so, a number of questions arise:
Why did not several smaller states emerge on the territory of Great Tartaria after its collapse, as it usually happens after the collapse of empires (Roman, Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, German, Russian, British) or during the collapse of large countries (Soviet Union, Yugoslavia)?
Why, having suffered a military defeat, the proud and freedom-loving tartars submitted to the brutal conquerors, and did not raise the club of the people's war, as the Slavonic Arians always do in similar situations?
Why did the actual development of new lands in Russia and the USA begin only half a century later?
And finally, the most important thing:
Why boundless spaces from the Urals to Alaskaturned out to be deserted? What happened to more than a hundred million crushed tartare?
In addition, Fomenko’s hypothesis leaves out a number of important facts that we mentioned earlier: “A Year Without Summer”, bicentennial forests and karst lakes, as well as an outbreak of cancer diseases.
Even after half a century, the development of new lands was only cartographic in nature. Both in Russia and in the USA. Because neither in the USA, nor in Russia there simply were no resources for their occupation. Neither human nor material.
Not to mention the constant threat of popular unrest in the occupied territories. If in these territories not only small ethnic groups of the North survived, but at least some Slavyan-Aryans.
By the way, why did the northern nations become so small? In North America, invaders mercilessly destroyed the local population west of the Appalachians. However, the Russian Empire in the genocide was not caught. Nevertheless, all the northern ethnic people of Asia, which survived after 1816, have since been on the verge of extinction ...
And now suppose that the Great Tartary was not divided either in 1775 or later. Lost another war and suffered territorial losses. But it remained a single state. As before, the biggest in the world. Still of great danger to both the Russian Empire and the British (the Romanovs were afraid of losing the usurped throne, and the Hanoverian dynasty trembled for its Indian colonies).
And here the chimera of the French Revolution gives rise to the Corsican monster. Who wants only one thing - to take away from Britain everything acquired by overwork! In a sense, remove the best pearl from her crown.
Soon Napoleon agrees with Paul I (fig. 49) on a joint Indian campaign. Which breaks down only because of the murder of the Russian emperor. As a result of a conspiracy organized and paid for by Britain.
Fig. 49. Paul IAll-Russian, Moscow, Kiev, Vladimir, Novgorod, Tsar of Kazan, Tsar Astrakhansky, Tsar of Siberia, Tsar of Khersonisa of Tavrichesky, Sovereign of Pskov and Great Prince of Smolensk, Lithuanian, Volynsky and Podolsky, Prince Estland, and now, this will be the mainstream of the mainstream , Korelsky, Tver, Ugra, Perm, Vyatka, Bulgarian and others, the Sovereign and Grand Duke of Novagorod Nizovsky land, Chernihiv, Ryazan, Polotsk, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Beloozersky, Udora, Obdorsky, Ko Ndia, Vitebsk, Mstislavsky and All Northern Countries Sovereign and Sovereign of Iversk land, Kartala and Georgian Kings and Kabardinian lands, Cherkasy and Gorni Princes and other hereditary Sovereign and Holder, Heir of Norwegian, Herzog Schleswig-Golstinsky, Stormarn, Ditmarsen and Oldenburg and Sovereign of Everskie, Grand Master of the Order of Sts. John of Jerusalem and so forth, and so forth
But failure does not stop the stubborn Corsican. Disappointed in the new Russian Tsar, Buonaparte is ready to make an alliance with the Great Tartary. And taking a trip to Moscow. After the capture of which for his legions opens a direct road to India.
Is this why the great army of Napoleon was so great that she had to overcome not only Russia? And pass almost half the world!
It is difficult to imagine a more terrible nightmare unhappy Hanover dynasty! A huge French-Tartar army under the general command of the most brilliant commander of all times and peoples, whose rears are provided with all the military-economic potential of the Great Tartaria and its dominions, the Free and Chinese Tartary! And unhindered advance to the Indian Ocean is their diplomatic support.
Could this be the reason why King George III went completely out of this nightmare (fig. 50)?
Is this why the great army of Napoleon was so great that she had to overcome not only Russia? And pass almost half the world!
It is difficult to imagine a more terrible nightmare unhappy Hanover dynasty! A huge French-Tartar army under the general command of the most brilliant commander of all times and peoples, whose rears are provided with all the military-economic potential of the Great Tartaria and its dominions, the Free and Chinese Tartary! And unhindered advance to the Indian Ocean is their diplomatic support.
Could this be the reason why King George III went completely out of this nightmare (fig. 50)?
Fig. 50. George III, King of Great Britain, King of Hanover, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg
However, the main reason for what happened in 1816 was still not the case. The people of Great Tartaria withstood the vicious onslaught of new world religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), preserved the moral purity and faith of their Ancestors and would never allow “worms and locusts” to engage in usury and extortion, to rip villages and introduce slavery on their land. In a country that was the largest in the world ...
By 1812 it became absolutely clear that it was impossible to defeat Buonaparte on land. The emperor of the French, the King of Italy, the Protector of the Rhine Union and the Mediator of the Swiss Confederation brought all Europe to its knees (with the exception of Britain). Someone joined France, someone imposed on the rulers of their relatives, someone forced to join the continental blockade.
Cui prodest - look for who benefits. Who, ultimately, won as a result of the victory over Napoleon and the destruction of the Great Tartaria together with its entire population?
Without a doubt, Britain.
Or the same Rothschild family?
However, paraphrasing the classic, one can say: “I say - Britain, I mean - the Rothschilds. I say - Rothschilds, I mean - Britain! ”. Because by 1816 (after the famous exchange swindle of Nathan Rothschild , connected with the Battle of Waterloo), the above-mentioned family took possession of Britain.
From this point on, for almost a hundred years, Britain was ruled by the seas (Fig. 51, 52). And Britain was ruled by the Rothschilds. And no one was not a decree! Great Tartaria was wiped off the face of the earth. France - defeated. Russia until the end of the nineteenth century could not recover from the invasion provoked by Alexander I. And when she recovered, the Rothschilds gave her new, equally destructive problems.
By 1812 it became absolutely clear that it was impossible to defeat Buonaparte on land. The emperor of the French, the King of Italy, the Protector of the Rhine Union and the Mediator of the Swiss Confederation brought all Europe to its knees (with the exception of Britain). Someone joined France, someone imposed on the rulers of their relatives, someone forced to join the continental blockade.
Cui prodest - look for who benefits. Who, ultimately, won as a result of the victory over Napoleon and the destruction of the Great Tartaria together with its entire population?
Without a doubt, Britain.
Or the same Rothschild family?
However, paraphrasing the classic, one can say: “I say - Britain, I mean - the Rothschilds. I say - Rothschilds, I mean - Britain! ”. Because by 1816 (after the famous exchange swindle of Nathan Rothschild , connected with the Battle of Waterloo), the above-mentioned family took possession of Britain.
From this point on, for almost a hundred years, Britain was ruled by the seas (Fig. 51, 52). And Britain was ruled by the Rothschilds. And no one was not a decree! Great Tartaria was wiped off the face of the earth. France - defeated. Russia until the end of the nineteenth century could not recover from the invasion provoked by Alexander I. And when she recovered, the Rothschilds gave her new, equally destructive problems.
Fig. 51. Expansion of the British Empire after the destruction of the Great Tartary
Fig. 52. British Empire
As for Napoleon, after the Moscow fire, he lived another nine years. And he died, barely stepping over half a century abroad (Fig. 53). In the last years of his life, his health deteriorated greatly. Although before this fire, he did not complain about it. Official science has not established the cause of the premature death of the Emperor of the French. Someone thinks that the jailers poisoned him with arsenic. Someone thinks he died from cancer. Someone thinks from both.
Fig. 53. Death of Napoleon
However, it is very possible that Napoleon suffered the fate of Hibakusha.
As mentioned above, seventy thousand people died during the atomic explosion in Hiroshima and sixty in Nagasaki. But the list of victims of a nuclear strike is far from exhausted. The total number of Hibakus (people exposed to the explosion), who died over the next five years from radiation sickness and other long-term effects of atomic bombings, was more than two hundred and fifty thousand people.
The total capacity of nuclear charges applied in the winter of 1816 across the territory of Great Tartary, which burnt down all Russian forests and caused a three-year “ nuclear winter”"In the northern hemisphere, according to climatologists, it was about eight hundred megatons. In other words, forty thousand Hiroshim. The part of the craters left after the explosions and turned into “karst” lakes testifies to the use of not only nuclear, but also thermonuclear ammunition. Capacity from one to ten megatons. But even in this case, the mentioned number of bombs should have been enough to ensure the destruction of all the settlements of the Great Tartary. And large cities and small monasteries. And large villages, and individual farms. And noble kremlins , and small frontier jails.
That is why, after the death of Great Tartaria, several smaller states did not appear on its territory, as it usually happens after the collapse of empires or the collapse of large countries!
That is why the Tartars did not raise the cudgel of the people's war, as the Slavs-Arias always do in the event of a military defeat!
That is why the endless spaces from the Urals to Alaska in the middle of the nineteenth century, when their development began, turned out to be practically deserted (Fig. 54)!
As mentioned above, seventy thousand people died during the atomic explosion in Hiroshima and sixty in Nagasaki. But the list of victims of a nuclear strike is far from exhausted. The total number of Hibakus (people exposed to the explosion), who died over the next five years from radiation sickness and other long-term effects of atomic bombings, was more than two hundred and fifty thousand people.
The total capacity of nuclear charges applied in the winter of 1816 across the territory of Great Tartary, which burnt down all Russian forests and caused a three-year “ nuclear winter”"In the northern hemisphere, according to climatologists, it was about eight hundred megatons. In other words, forty thousand Hiroshim. The part of the craters left after the explosions and turned into “karst” lakes testifies to the use of not only nuclear, but also thermonuclear ammunition. Capacity from one to ten megatons. But even in this case, the mentioned number of bombs should have been enough to ensure the destruction of all the settlements of the Great Tartary. And large cities and small monasteries. And large villages, and individual farms. And noble kremlins , and small frontier jails.
That is why, after the death of Great Tartaria, several smaller states did not appear on its territory, as it usually happens after the collapse of empires or the collapse of large countries!
That is why the Tartars did not raise the cudgel of the people's war, as the Slavs-Arias always do in the event of a military defeat!
That is why the endless spaces from the Urals to Alaska in the middle of the nineteenth century, when their development began, turned out to be practically deserted (Fig. 54)!
Fig. 54. Valkyrie over the fallen warrior (Art. K.Vasilyev)
The overwhelming majority of the population of Great Tartaria burned in the fire of atomic explosions. What explains the absence of the remains of millions of dead. The survivors suffocated in the smoke of fires or died of cold and hunger. And also from radiation sickness and cancer. And they were betrayed by the cleansing flame of their comrades. For the fulfillment of Kroda (departure to the Kin by means of a funeral pyre) is the sacred duty and sacred duty of every Slav-Aria towards their dead or dead brethren!
At the same time, the last of the survivors, realizing that for him there would be no one to arrange Khora, could have committed self-immolation ...
The vast blooming country was suddenly turned into radioactive ashes. And they remained for many years. But the years went by. In place of burnt forests rose taiga. The funnels turned into lakes. And most of the radioactive isotopes decayed.
The radioactive background in the epicenter of a nuclear explosion does not long remain high, because major isotopes quickly decay. Cesium-137 activity decreases twice in thirty years, Strontium-90 - in twenty-nine, Cobalt-60 - in five years, Yoda-131 - in eight days.
That is why the development of boundless spaces from the Urals to Alaska began only in the middle of the nineteenth century. When the radioactive background dropped, finally, to a safe level. But even half a century later, the settlers did not risk approaching strange round lakes for some unknown reason. And they gave these lakes completely meaningless names - Adovo Lake, Shaitan Lake, Devil's Lake, Dead Lake, etc.
By initiating the use of the atomic bomb against Napoleon, and convinced of the extraordinary effectiveness of these weapons, the initiators of its use were able to convince those who possessed them to use it again. Against its main enemy - the Great Slavic-Aryan Power. Because it was impossible to crush her in any other way ...
So. Let's put the isolated facts together.
In 1816 a “nuclear winter” began in the northern hemisphere, which lasted three years. Shortly before this, the largest state in the world disappeared from the face of the earth along with its entire population. At the same time all Russian forests burned down. And a lot of strange round depressions and "karst" lakes appeared. Re-settlement of the empty lands began only after half a century. And any mention of the Great Tartary and Tartar were prohibited.
What happened?
If we discard all impossible hypotheses, then the remaining, no matter how small its probability, is the truth.
The lands of Tarkh and Tara were subjected to massive atomic bombardment.
But in the nineteenth century, neither Russia nor Britain yet possessed nuclear weapons. And they could not use it. So who applied it?
No followers.
Annuit coeptis - the company agreed - as the ancient Romans would say (Fig. 55).
At the same time, the last of the survivors, realizing that for him there would be no one to arrange Khora, could have committed self-immolation ...
The vast blooming country was suddenly turned into radioactive ashes. And they remained for many years. But the years went by. In place of burnt forests rose taiga. The funnels turned into lakes. And most of the radioactive isotopes decayed.
The radioactive background in the epicenter of a nuclear explosion does not long remain high, because major isotopes quickly decay. Cesium-137 activity decreases twice in thirty years, Strontium-90 - in twenty-nine, Cobalt-60 - in five years, Yoda-131 - in eight days.
That is why the development of boundless spaces from the Urals to Alaska began only in the middle of the nineteenth century. When the radioactive background dropped, finally, to a safe level. But even half a century later, the settlers did not risk approaching strange round lakes for some unknown reason. And they gave these lakes completely meaningless names - Adovo Lake, Shaitan Lake, Devil's Lake, Dead Lake, etc.
By initiating the use of the atomic bomb against Napoleon, and convinced of the extraordinary effectiveness of these weapons, the initiators of its use were able to convince those who possessed them to use it again. Against its main enemy - the Great Slavic-Aryan Power. Because it was impossible to crush her in any other way ...
So. Let's put the isolated facts together.
In 1816 a “nuclear winter” began in the northern hemisphere, which lasted three years. Shortly before this, the largest state in the world disappeared from the face of the earth along with its entire population. At the same time all Russian forests burned down. And a lot of strange round depressions and "karst" lakes appeared. Re-settlement of the empty lands began only after half a century. And any mention of the Great Tartary and Tartar were prohibited.
What happened?
If we discard all impossible hypotheses, then the remaining, no matter how small its probability, is the truth.
The lands of Tarkh and Tara were subjected to massive atomic bombardment.
But in the nineteenth century, neither Russia nor Britain yet possessed nuclear weapons. And they could not use it. So who applied it?
No followers.
Annuit coeptis - the company agreed - as the ancient Romans would say (Fig. 55).
Fig. 55. Annuit coeptis
At the request of those who have contact with the very top of the pyramid, the Great Slavic-Aryan state was destroyed by those who are above and watching what is happening ...
As for 1812, a silver medal was established in his memory. Same for everyone. And for the militias, and for the soldiers, and for the generals. At first, they wanted to place on the obverse the profile of the reigning Sovereign and the Autocrat, as was always done in such cases earlier, but Alexander I the Blessed ordered another image to be made (Fig. 56). And beat the words out of the psalm of David: “Not to us, not to us, but to your name” ...
As for 1812, a silver medal was established in his memory. Same for everyone. And for the militias, and for the soldiers, and for the generals. At first, they wanted to place on the obverse the profile of the reigning Sovereign and the Autocrat, as was always done in such cases earlier, but Alexander I the Blessed ordered another image to be made (Fig. 56). And beat the words out of the psalm of David: “Not to us, not to us, but to your name” ...
Fig. 56. Commemorative Medal "1812"
PS A skeptical reader might think that the author described in this article the plot of his next novel in the genre of alternative history. Forced to disappoint him. The alternative history is now taught in schools and universities. And broadcast on zomboyaschiku. And about what was happening in the world in fact, we are just beginning to learn.
• Artemyev A. Who burned Moscow in 1812? • Artemyev A. I understand your age-old sadness ...
• Artemyev A. I had a dream ... Not everything about him was a dream.
• Artemyev A. A nuclear strike on us has already occurred.
• Kulagin A. The split of Russia.
• Klepov A. Alexander I and the fire of Moscow in 1812.
• Nosovsky G.V., Fomenko A.T. Pugachev and Suvorov. The mystery of the Siberian-American history.
• Artemyev A. Who burned Moscow in 1812? • Artemyev A. I understand your age-old sadness ...
• Artemyev A. I had a dream ... Not everything about him was a dream.
• Artemyev A. A nuclear strike on us has already occurred.
• Kulagin A. The split of Russia.
• Klepov A. Alexander I and the fire of Moscow in 1812.
• Nosovsky G.V., Fomenko A.T. Pugachev and Suvorov. The mystery of the Siberian-American history.
Does this fit into your research? I trace the history of BC Canada from the old maps and explorers of the 1600s to the 1800s. Enjoy the read if not.
ReplyDeleteah...still not explaining much. Scriptures and ancient books talk about before the flood MAGMA flood, and since God told Enoch and in these other books that the waters will be for the benefit of mankind, i'm thinking that all those giants and other beings Enoch warned (celestial fathers and to giant animals as well) would make PUTRID WATERS IF NOT PETRIFIED BY FIRE.... Can't have tons of bodies floating in the waters. I BELIEVE the flood happened much sooner than the canonized bible suggests. Enoch mentions like 37 tribes and giants from 400 feet o 3000 feet tall would travel far...set up pyramids all over the earth, over 47 and these beings wanted to be GOD, that's why they rebelled against God so they set camp EVERYWHERE, that's why giant sites all over US as well. how can the earth be populated so quickly from maybe some giant girl on Noah's ship? what? Jesus was seen in many civilized cities so it was not as primitive when he was alive like we think of Jerusalem being...ask Father God what HE says about all this.